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Stable employees
Posted on Wednesday 31 de May de 2017

Stable employees


Replacing employees is an expensive business. So how can employers encourage their workers to stay? According to jobs site Glassdoor, the main reason people leave a job is to go to a firm with a better company culture.


The employees who work on the private sector  has an average amount of time spent in is 15 months.    Thus employees working for the government stayed longer – on average 18.6 months. Workers in the aerospace and defense, media, IT, telecommunications and non-profit sectors also remained in their jobs longer than average.


In addition construction workers switched jobs on average every 10.6 months. Other fast-turnaround industries included biotech and real estate.


Nevertheless is good to mention that a paper by the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania found that employees receive the greatest long-run benefits by taking different roles at their current company. By contrast, switching employers led to initial increases in pay but smaller career advancement benefits.